Partner, Lead Regulatory & Auctions

Stuart Jack

As Partner and Lead Regulatory & Auctions, Stuart provides deep expertise in Strategy development, spectrum planning, valuation and licensing, auction software and strategy, regulatory & policy assessment / preparation of submissions, assessment of technology pathways, network planning, market assessment and business planning.

His clients are variously service providers, municipalities, industry associations, policy-makers and regulators. He has significant experience developing methodologies and directing multi-disciplinary teams in projects for domestic and international clients.

For network operators, he has led technical, market, and business analysis projects that included pricing and valuation, auction strategy, interconnection and quality of service, billing, and spectrum audit and planning.


Previously, Stuart was Partner and Lead Telecoms / ICT with Nordicity, Director in the Information Communications and Entertainment/Media (ICE) practice at PricewaterhouseCoopers, Senior Manager at CBC Corporate Planning, and Senior Manager, Marketing and Economic Analysis with the Canadian Radio-television Telecommunications Commission (CRTC).

Specialties :

Wireless Strategy, Spectrum Planning, Auctions, Regulatory Frameworks and Business Planning

Degrees :
  • B.A. (Hons.), Queen’s University
  • MSc., Université du Québec
  • MBA, Concordia University
Languages :

Stuart is fluent in English and French.

Professional Skills

He is in demand as a subject matter expert in the telecommunication, broadcasting and ICT industries, has presented papers and been a panelist at various Canadian and global conferences.