Project info

  • Client: Township of Leeds & Thousand Islands (TLTI)
  • Date: January 20th, 2022
  • Team: Stuart Jack / Tanveer Ahmed / Reetika Rana / Yue Zhang

01. The Problem:

Assisted the Township Planning Department in the development of a broadband business plan based on technology assessment, network planning, financial and economic analysis

Key elements of the project include:

  • A clear understanding of the project scope and expected outcomes;
  • Formation of project organizational structure (“project team”) consisting of experts with relevant qualifications and experience;
  • A proper project methodology to deliver expected outcomes;
  • Effective project management strategies;
  • Clear project timelines with clearly identified project activities, key deliverables and completion dates; and,
  • Required level of commitment by the project team.

02. How we Helped:

Description of actual services provided within the assignment:

03. Impact:

NE&S provided the following key components as deliverables to the project: